Blended Learning @ Bankstown

BL@B is a Learnscope project that aims to establish a Community iof Practice at Bankstown TAFE College which will explore new and innovative ways of facilitating learning and managing learners in a flexible learning environment. The focus will be on encouraging and supporting teachers to blend Elearning stratgies within traditional modes of educational delivery.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Project Meeting 2

Today we had Project Meeting 2 in a computer room to develop skills in Elearning
Aims of the meeting was to:

1. Get Ready for Mini Online Event.
This was called Using Cool Tools for Elearning.(June 8th- 10th)This was a way to meet objectives of the project:
*experience using tools to manage learners in an online environment
*increase the comfort level by communicating with others using elearning
*expanding understanding of elearning communication

2. Developing Individual Project Plans
Flexways is a web-based professional development planning resource for people and teams working in Vocational Education and Training. It helps VET staff to identify and develop their skills for a flexible learning environment. With Flexways you can create, save, print and edit a customised professional development plan.
Use Flexways to:

* Establish personal goals in flexible learning
* Identify the skills needed to achieve personal goals
* Plan learning strategies to acquire those skills
* Find out about resources avaiable

It will individuals to keep track of personal development throughout the Learnscope Project. A team has been established on the flexible learning site called Blended Learning

Professional Development


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