Blended Learning @ Bankstown

BL@B is a Learnscope project that aims to establish a Community iof Practice at Bankstown TAFE College which will explore new and innovative ways of facilitating learning and managing learners in a flexible learning environment. The focus will be on encouraging and supporting teachers to blend Elearning stratgies within traditional modes of educational delivery.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Guest Speaker

The group meeting today was highlighted by a guest speaker from Sydney Institute Dianna Kabbaz who was very experienced in the operation of flexible learning centres.
In 2004 Dianna as successful in obtaining a learnscope project similar to BL@B. It was great to get a fresh perspective on the challenges and the issues as well as some strategies that could be considered. There was lively debate and discussion on the direction of managing the centre. So much so we now have a sub-group looking at the operational side of the centre such as hours, procedures, room bookings, etc...


To end the day Dianne and BL@B members went to try out the new centre!

Great work Bob!!!


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